The Lotus Evora is based on the first all-new vehicle platform from Lotus cars since the introduction of the Lotus Elise in 1995 (thee Exiga, introduced in 2000, and the 2006 Europa S are both derivatives of the Elise). The Evora is the first vehicle of three vehicles to be built on the same platform; the remaining two vehicles will be on sale by 2011.
The Evora is the first product of a five year plan started in 2006 to expand the Lotus line of cars. As such it is a larger car than recent Lotus models and its derivatives , weighing an estimated curb weight of 1,350 kg (3,000 lb). It is currently the only Lotus model with a 2+2 configuration, although it has been announced that it will also be offered in a two-seater configuration, referred to as the "Plus Zero" option. It is also the only 2+2 mid engined coupé on sale. The interior is larger to allow taller persons to fit, such as Lotus CEO and two 99th% (6'5") American males.
The cooled behind the engine is large enough to fit a set of golf clubs although Lotus Design Head Russel car denies that this was intentional. Lotus intends the Evora to compete with different market sectors including thePorsche Cayman.

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